Languages.Org.Au - French Language

Languages.Org.Au HomeFrench → French Language

On this page

French Expressions
French Grammar

French Expressions

Links to pages

01 Meeting and greeting Basic phrases, numbers 1 – 100
02 Family, friends and locations Family and friends, descriptions, locations
03 School School general terms, school subjects, school activities
04 Time and date Talking about the time, talking about the date, the seasons, daily routine, expressions of time
05 Interests and activities General activities, names of popular sports, expressing an opinion about an activity
06 In town Places in town, phrases to use in town, directions
07 Food and drink Naming food and drinks, phrases to use about eating and drinking
08 At home Rooms of a house or apartment, other basic nouns at home, useful phrases at home
09 At the hotel Parts of a hotel building, other useful words and phrases at the hotel
10 Travel and transport Transport types, phrases to use with transport, simulation role play
11 Useful expressions General conversational expressions and expressions useful in writing tasks

For details about Continuing French and Advanced French with CAL in 2017, see the 2017-S1 and 2017-S2 program pages.

Links by French keywords

Sujet Lien à suivre
Les activités List 5, List 12
Les activités à l'école List 3, List 4
Les boissons List 7
La date List 4
Les descriptions List 2, List 5
L'école List 3
Les expressions utiles List 1, List 11
La famille List 2
Le futur simple Verbs
La géographie List 2
L'heure List 4
A l'hôtel List 9
La maison List 8
Les matières à l'école List 3
La nourriture List 7
Les numéros List 1
Les opinions List 5
Le passé composé Verbs
Le restaurant - expressions à utiliser: manger et boire List 7
Les sports List 5
Les transports List 10
Les verbes Verbs
En ville List 6

French grammar

French verbs

1 French regular verbs Common French verb forms with subject pronouns, regular past, present and future tenses
2 French irregular verbs Patterns in irregular verbs, table of common irregular verbs

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